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The Resurrection of the Church in Albania: Voices of Orthodox Christians

Author(s):   Jim Forest
Publisher:   World Council of Churches (2002)
Format:   Paperback
Copies:   1 copy available
Product Info:   Book Description

The church in Albania has, in the last decade, gone through dramatic changes with the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. Albania was the first officially atheist state in the world, and all forms of religious expression were suppressed after 1967. The Orthodox Church, the oldest and largest Christian community in Albania, has, since the fall of communism, been transformed from a repressed church into a vibrant, rapidly growing and inspired force for renewal and reconciliation in the country. This book presents a fascinating historical background and an inspiring story of current church witness. The traditions and life of this fellowship, so clearly portrayed, will help educate the wider Christian community about Albania's diverse religious life and also the role religion can play as a potential force for both healing and peace in the Balkan region.

Editorial Reviews

About the Author
Jim Forest, author and editor, has written a considerable number of books on the Orthodox Church and aspects of religious life, including Praying with Icons and Religion in the New Russia.
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