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Churchianity vs Christianity

Author(s):   Met Anthony Bloom
Publisher:   St Vladimirs Seminary Pr
Format:   Paperback
Copies:   2 copies available
Product Info:   The expression churchianity was coined by C. S. Lewis. Isn t it a word that describes the parable of Christ or rather, the event in which the Lord Jesus Christ pronounced his condemnation on the barren fig tree? Had it been barren, leafless, dead, Christ would not have condemned it. He might even have spoken a word of life and brought it into newness. But this tree stood there gloriously adorned with leaves, telling everyone around that it was enough to come up to it in order to find a harvest of ripe fruits. But there was nothing but leaves. The appearance was there; of reality, there was nothing. The words spoken by Christ are frightening. He said, there will never be a fruit on your branches until the end of the world.

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